Monday, November 22, 2010

Only 20 school days until Winter Break - YAHOO!!! Sadly that means term 1 is almost over. The deadline for any outstanding term 1 assignments is December 13th.


One Big Christmas campaign
 - runs Nov 22 - Dec 5th
 - please bring non-perishable foods, new toys, or money
- $1=1 KG

Participaction sign up
- Grade 9's - Tues. Nov 23rd
- Grade 8's - Wed. Nov 24th - You must have your letter of consent
- Grade 7's - Thurs. Nov 25th

End of Term 1 - Dec 13th
Grade 8 Christmas Movie
 - Dec 22nd - am only
 - hand in your green permission forms to your homeroom teacher


- All Outsiders responses are due by Tues. Nov 23rd
Outsiders script assignment
    - scripts must be initialled by Mrs. Fuerst
    - each student should have a copy so they know their lines
    - final draft of script/permformances - Mon. Nov 29th
- Nov24th - Outsiders quiz
- Nov 30th - The Outsiders unit test
- Peer edit forms for Mystery/Suspense piece - due Tues. Nov 23rd
- 2nd draft of Mystery/Suspense piece - due Fri. Nov 26th
- Sign up for conferencing with Mrs. Fuerst by Mon. Nov 29th
    - if you're not finished you will lose the opportunity to conference with the teacher


Early People quiz - Dec 3rd

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hello Kidlets! Don't forget that Friday, Oct 22nd is SAG, so that means no school for you!!! Sleep in and hang out with friends. And do your assignments of course.

Grade 8 ELA
- Reading Log due Oct 22nd. That means you either have to put it in the inbox on Thursday or BEFORE 
       advisor on Monday. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Make sure you get your parents to sign them. Some of you
       missed the spotcheck, so I hope you're completing your log correctly.
- We are correcting The Outsiders - Chapters #1-6 on Monday, so make sure they're completed. The "art"
       assignment for Chapter 5 must be handed in to our "INBOX".
- We started our Mystery/Suspense unit today by watching "The Adventures of Young Sherlock Holmes".
         Students should be able to discuss the different elements of fiction giving specific examples from
          the movie.

And for those of you who are interested....Awsuf wants me to tell you how awesome he is!

Friday, October 8, 2010


We finished the Outsiders movie and students are writing three paragraphs about any aspect of the movie they choose. Three independent paragraphs - NOT AN ESSAY! We're practicing our paragraphs by focusing ideas, organization (unity), and mechanics (spelling and grammar). Students have had one class to write the rough draft, one class to peer edit. Final drafts are due on Wed. Oct 13th

Please bring your reading logs so I can do a "spot check". That means I get to make sure you're filling them out correctly and you won't lose marks when you hand it in on Oct 22nd. The spot check is worth 10 marks, Folks, so make sure you bring them on Tuesday!


Introduction to History Unit Test CHANGED TO MONDAY, OCT 18TH. Study hard, Kidlets!


Students should be keeping a daily media journal where they are recording specific articles, commercials, ads, websites, etc... ONE PER DAY
                Paragraph #1 - copy, sketch, article
                Paragraph #2 - explanation of media sample
                Paragraph #3 - deconstruct meaning
                Paragraph #4 - Your opinion of the sample

Monday, September 27, 2010

You, my dear students, are part of a wonderful experiment. I ask you to learn new things every day. Well, now it's my turn. I'm venturing into the scary world of blogging. Initially this will serve as our homework page and will store copies of our assignments. Eventually (if all goes well), it will serve as a discussion page to analyze readings and give responses.  H.O.P.E. will have it's own page too. Yay! I can hardly wait. But for now baby steps...


           - You know how we were doing a full page response for each chapter
               of  The Outsiders? Well stop...Keep reading the chapters and using the
               post-its to record your responses. I will be reading each chapter aloud to
               you. This will give you the chance to "beef up" your responses before
               putting them in paragraph form.
             - You MUST be finished reading all 12 chapters by the end of Thursday
             - The Outsiders movie on Wed, Oct 6th - You can bring snacks if you'd like


GRADE 8 SOCIAL STUDIES - Personal Timeline Assignment
                                                     - due Wed, Oct 6th
                                                     - get your big white paper from Mrs. Fuerst
                                       - Mapping Quiz- Wed, Sept 29th
                                                              - know your continents and oceans!!!

Grade 9 Media - One last class to complete our definitions. They're for marks, Folks!